Before you place your ad

You'll need:

  • To register with us
  • Your full UK postcode
  • Up to 12 photos in JPEG format
  • Details of the car you want to advertise

Selling Guide - Cars: Photography Guide

Selling Guide

Photography guide

How do I upload pictures?

Simply click on the 'Add Photo' button and browse to find the pictures you have saved on to your computer. Multi upload is possible – click 'Add Photo' and select from your computer all the photos you want to upload. You can upload 12 images in one go.

Your photos should be saved as jpeg (or jpg) files.  Maximum dimensions permitted are 4000 pixels. This means the height and width cannot be more than 4000 pixels. So these would be OK:

  • 4000 x 3000
  • 3000 x 4000
  • 4000 x 4000

But these would NOT be permitted:

  • 4000 x 6000
  • 6000 x 4000

Maximum file size permitted is 6 MB. Only use letters and numbers in filenames please. Do not use other characters e.g. * / % etc. We will resize the pictures for optimum use once you've uploaded them.

How many pictures should I take?

You can upload up to 12 pictures of your car. You should take as many as you need to highlight the salient features of your car. The first picture will be used as the default image for the results page, so make sure this is the best one. You should, however, include:

  • A front ¾ view - turn the wheels in slightly and stand on a diagonal line through the passenger seat and driver's light so that the picture captures the driver's side and front of the vehicle
  • A rear ¾ view - captures the rear and driver's side
  • A picture of the dash board if you want to show off the console
  • A picture of the boot if you want to show off boot space

We will veto vehicles cut out from their background, stock adverts, montages or pictures that we think are inappropriate.