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Buying Advice: Advice on buying an item Privately

Buying Privately

With a private sale it's a case of 'buyer beware'. The seller's only legal obligation is to describe the item accurately.

But don't let this put you off. If you're sensible, and do all the right checks, a fantastic deal could be waiting for you.

Check out the seller

When buying privately, it's wise to do your research on the seller as well as the item if it's of high value.

  • Get a landline telephone number but you should be aware that it could be for a public telephone box or might transfer to another phone. Call the number to check.

  • If you feel unhappy with the other party, trust your instincts and walk away. Do not be tempted by that elusive bargain.

Check the paperwork

Depending on the item you're buying, there may or may not be accompanying documentation.

If the item you're buying does require some form of documentation, e.g. a certificate of authenticity, warranties etc. do check them carefully.

next: Checking the item